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Media Screening Process

Information 12 Sep 2022

How to Set Up FATF Adverse Media Screening Process for Your Financial Firm?

An adverse media check meaning function similarly to a digital watchdog, searching news and media for any potential dangers associated with individuals or companies that your company might do business with.

This allows the firm to protect itself from getting into bed with the wrong people by catching these red flags early. Now, down to business. In 2023, advanced screening tools cut risk-related losses for businesses by as much as 30%. 

Ready to protect your firm? Continue reading as we dive into how to set up an efficient and effective adverse media screening process. Trust us, your future self will thank you for it.

Understanding Adverse Media and FATF Requirement

Basically, this could be any adverse information from the adverse media concerning persons or entities relevant to the reputation and compliance of your financial firm.

Such is the role of the Financial Action Task Force, primarily through the establishment of international standards to counter money laundering and financing of terrorism. 

According to a 2023 report, firms that aligned screening processes to FATF adverse media guidelines related to adverse media showed an improvement in compliance at a rate 25% better than those that did not.

Choosing an Adverse Media Database

Most of your success in screening depends on the choice of the proper adverse media database. You want one that is comprehensive, up-to-date, and covers local and international press. 

Those firms utilizing real-time updated databases were able to decrease their risk exposure by 20% just in the last year alone, demonstrating the importance of having the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

Defining Screening Parameters

This means that when it comes to setting the proper screening parameters, one has to strike a balance. Be thorough enough to catch risks, yet make sure you’re not overwhelmed by irrelevant false positives. 

A 2023 study found that companies that better tailored their screening parameters to address more specific risk areas lowered irrelevant alerts by up to 40%, streamlining their adverse media screening for more efficient and focused coverage.

Establishing Screening Roles and Responsibilities

When putting in an adverse media screening system, make sure to define who does what. Every role, from analysts who do the sifting to the managers who make final decisions, should know what is expected of them. 

As many as those companies that took part in the latest survey back in 2023 reported enhanced efficiency by 15% brought about by clearly defining roles within their adverse media screening requirements. 

This improvement is because everyone knows what his work is and how he has to handle information pulled from the adverse media database.

Bonus: Are you keen to make sure that your financial firm is always ahead on compliance issues? Learn about adverse media screening solutions at our website.

Setting the Screening Workflow

A practical and lean screening workflow is essential to deal with your adverse medium database information efficiently. This workflow should describe all steps from the first recovery of data to the last decision. 

Those firms that implemented structured workflows back in 2023 have shown a decline of approximately 30% in processing time, hence substantially raising the pace of their adverse media screening process and reducing the older backlog. 

This setup will not only save time but also ensure that vital information will stay intact.

Handling Adverse Media Hits

When your screening flags something is referred to as an “adverse media hit.” 

It’s all a question of meticulous review and investigation. According to statistics in 2023, firms that managed such hits efficiently reduced potential risk exposures by up to 25%. It ensures that you act only where necessary, thus keeping your operations smooth and compliant.

Ongoing Monitoring and Improvement

Adverse news screening is not necessarily a once-off activity but continuous to keep one’s firm safe and compliant. Periodic updating or, if necessary, enhancing your screening strategies for them are essential. 

In the case of firms that checked on their screening techniques and tools in 2023, there is a 20% early risk detection rate compared to previous years. 

This continuous monitoring keeps you ahead of potential threats by fine-tuning and enhancing your firm’s screening processes.

Integrating Technology and Automation

The automated tools will aid in filtering out massive data extracted from an adverse media database, giving related hits with reduced human involvement. 

A recent study in 2023 showed that firms that integrate advanced automation technologies into their screening processes have increased the speed of detecting risk by 35%. 

Now, because technology runs routine checks automatically, your team can focus on more complex analyses and decision-making for a more robust defense against potential financial risks.